Progetto senza titolo 23

Sguardi sul Tessile. Gina Morandini.

The “Sguardi sul Tessile” exhibition, after the two important events held in Maniago at the Galleria di Arte Tessile Contemporanea, moves to Pordenone with an exhibition dedicated to Gina Morandini which will be, for the occasion, set up in the showroom spaces of the Savio Macchine Tessili company.

Gina Morandini was a woman of talent and vision, an innovative and dynamic teacher, a tenacious and tireless project manager, a passionate researcher and a Fiber Artist of the highest caliber, a well-known reference in the world of International Textiles as well as in many cultural environments of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. Graduated from the Bianchini Women's Technical Institute in Udine, in the early 1950s, she opened a handweaving workshop in Udine, where she designed and produced fabrics for furnishings and clothing with an innovative design, collaborating with local architects and artists. In 1960, became a professor of the Fabric, Carpet and Tapestry Art Section of the School of Art, now the "Giovanni Sello" Art High School in Udine. Since the 1980s, she has been passionate about Fiber Art, experimenting with materials, techniques and new expressive languages. In the 1990s, she became an active member of the DARS Donna Arte Ricerca e Sperimentazione committee in Udine and encountered poetry that she translated with the textile medium, comparing herself with the women writers of the Anna Achmatova group. She is responsible for the foundation of the Le Arti Tessili Association in 1987 and the establishment of the Valcellina Award International Contemporary Textile/Fiber Art Competition dedicated to young artists under 35, an international reference event that tells a long story of plots and solid collaborations with Schools and Academies among the most prestigious in Italy and Europe, in an innovative language that gives Textiles the right place in the Contemporary panorama.

The project "Sguardi sul Tessile" aims to disseminate the work of the founder of the association Le Arti Tessili, with events dedicated to research, dissemination, promotion and diffusion of humanistic culture declined on Textile Culture of which she was a great animator.

The president of Le Arti Tessili Annamaria Poggioli states "After the careful research and development of digital files relating to the Fiber Art works created by Morandini, the organization of creative workshops, study sessions, exhibitions, art therapy courses and the artist residency - recently concluded - which hosted the young Estonian artist Maryliss Teinfeld-Grins at our Contemporary Textile Art Gallery, we are thrilled to make the work of our dear friend Gina available to the public of Pordenone. An opportunity to give homage to an artist who strongly believed in the combination of tradition-innovation, art and entrepreneurship, and was always ready to support young people. We thank the Savio company that wanted to design this path with us, identifying Fiber Art as a wonderful meeting point between art and industry."

The inauguration will be held on Friday 25 October at 11:00, guided tours are planned on Friday 8, 15, 22 and 29 November from 10:00 to 12:00, for information and reservations you can write to

The event "Sguardi sul Tessile" is made possible thanks to the support of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region; it enjoys the partnership of the European Textile Network, Coordinamento Tessitori aps, Associazione'Arte aps, CIRT Centro Internazionale di Ricerca Tessile aps, Comitato DARS Donna Arte Ricerca e Sperimentazione and intersects with the Project "Fili e filande: un intreccio di Storia e storie al femminile" conceived and coordinated by the Municipality of Maniago.

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